
DMU Enhancement Week - Business Analytics, Social Media, and the Internet of Things (IoT) hosted by speakers from Macquarie University

Thursday, November 15, 2018 - Business Students at SISFU were given a crash course in Business Analytics by Hume Winzar, Associate Professor in Business and Director of Bachelor of Business Analytics at Macquarie University in Australia. Through innovative use of cutting-edge software tools, Professor Winzar was able to analyze the social media profiles and influencers of those present to showcase the potential impact for marketers.

Professor Hume Winzar

Professor Winzar was joined by Dr. James Zheng, who shared with the students their insights on the Internet of Things (IoT) Today and Tomorrow: Big Data Applications. This showed students the limitless potential offered by the Internet of Things to change the nature of business and government as well as day to day life for consumers with technologies like RFID, Smart Grid, and Smart Home products like Alexa just scratching the surface.

Dr. James Zheng

Companies worldwide are scrambling to join the Big Data revolution and business analytics is at its heart. Once again, SISFU students lead both nationally and globally, earning their reputation as career-ready professionals to be.

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