Academic and Non-Academic Awards

Loyalty Award

John Jireh Aguilar
Czarina Xhinette Aguilar
Mei Yuen Ann Chan
Armand John Sanchez
Mandy Carlo Sanchez
John Gilbert Taylor

Leadership Award

Czarina Xhinette Aguilar

Distinguished Service Awards

Shimas Abdullah Rasheed
Antonio Vicente Tiu
Princess Sarah Tua
Nerry James Bretaña
Christel Roa Garcia
Stephanie Stevenson

College Achievement Award

Kristine Denise Mores Pablo

Service Excellence Award

Kristine Denise Mores Pablo
Philippine Marketing Association

Academic Achievement Award

Academic Excellence Award

Graduate School

Fiel Aldous Evidente
Lyke Almira Sarita

Edexcel Academic Achievement Award Distinction

School of Business and Computing

Rhulleine Bonsol
Vincent Garcia
Joanne Sarah Morales
Kristal Serrano
Franchesca Gail Lopez
Phan Ngoc Thien Nguyen
Juan Paolo Aliño
Kun Hee Cho
Michael Angelo Lana
Chan Gyu Choi Chiaki Oka
So Cheol Park
Song Park
Stephannie Stevenson
Ramielalene Dalisay
Dayril Garcia
Yousef Dawud

School of Hospitality Management

Kristal Serrano
Sierry Lyne Sanchez
Justinne Bautista
Josephine Syquia Santos
Czarina Xhinette Aguilar

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