College General Assembly and Recognition Day 2022 - Southville International School Affiliated with Foreign Universities

College General Assembly and Recognition Day 2022

College General Assembly and Recognition Day 2022

Celebrating the students’ successes is an exceptional way of recognizing the determination and effort they invested towards achieving their milestones. On the afternoon of November 25, 2022, SISFU held its College General Assembly and Recognition Day!

The master of ceremony, Mr Daniel Steel, SGEN Communications Director, enthusiastically greeted the management, students, and faculty, before proceeding to the invocation and the singing of the National Anthem and SISFU Hymn. Afterwards, he welcomed Dr Nancy de Guia, Dean of Academics, to the stage for her welcoming remarks.

For the students to further be acquainted with the SISFU community, Mr Steel introduced the employees through a brief presentation—from top management to department heads—followed by an energizing dance intermission from the Cradle, which received loud cheers from the crowd! The Student Council President, Angela General, then presented the future activities they have planned, including those from the other student organizations. Some of the most-awaited activities are: SISFUN 2023 and Thanksgiving Ball!

Shortly thereafter, Dr Nancy de Guia recapitulated the Professional Development Programme, which was introduced last July during the Student Preparatory Programme. Then, Mr Jonathan Borja, Academic Programme Head of School of Digital Technology (SODT), introduced the launch of SISFU’s Micro-credentials and its aim to improve every student’s skills and knowledge on data analytics. Mr Borja further explained how this micro-credential is highly beneficial not only as business students but as students of Hospitality Management and Digital Technology. Afterwards, Ms Shemariah Alquiza, Associate of CAPS and SAS, announced the launch of the Non-Academic Awards, which focuses on the achievements of each student organization and student leaders as they embody SISFU’s 5Cs.

Of course, the students are always thrilled with Cradle performances, so for their second intermission, they sang a Christmas song with full spirit! Then, for the most awaited segment of the event, the Dean’s List Awards from SOBM, SOHM, and SODT were presented by Ms Ailene Fulgencio, Head of Registration and Admission, and Dr de Guia. It was truly a heartwarming moment as the awardees walked in front with big smiles on their faces, while their peers and lecturers cheered for them. To close the event, Mr Steel delivered some important reminders, following with his closing remarks.

#UnityThroughDiversity #WeareTheBridge #SISFUReachHigher

Written by: Hershey BulawinPhotos captured by: Trixinne Silangan

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