SFU student politics is no similar to Philippine politics. Filled with fun and excitement, the meeting de avance for the election of the Executive Officers of the Student Council for AY 2013-2014 was held last March 19, 2013 at the SFU Multi-Purpose Hall. Candidates from each party showed enthusiasm as they recited their campaign speeches and showed their wits during the question and answer portion. A lot of anxious students attended to see and hear for themselves the platforms of their colleagues aspiring to be student leaders in the upcoming election. Even the Head of Schools, Ms. Natasha Lamb and Ms. Carol Pido, together with SFU President, Dr. Melva Diamante, were present during the activity. Three parties campaigned and cited their platforms in front of their fellow students. The Union composed of Felicity McNamara, President; Vonfred Aliño, Vice-President; Theresa Mae Maliksi, Secretary; Juan Paolo Aliño, P.R.O; and Ellice Adornado, Auditor. For the New Breed of Student Leaders, running for Vice-President is Leanna Mae Cerrero; Secretary, Christine Dogma; and P.R.O, Monika Truong. Finally, for Tapping Abeyant Potential (T.A.P), Angelo Zulueta is running for President and Angela Amante is running for Vice-President. Good luck to the candidates and more power to SFU Student Council!
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